Costco Canada Pre Black Friday Offers: $100 Instacart E-Certificates for $79.99


Right now you can purchase $100 Instacart E-Certificates for just $79.99 from Costco Canada. This is a limited time offer, and there is a maximum of two E-Certificates per member.

The Instacart E-Certificated can by redeemed by shopping through the Instacart website or the app, and you also have the option of redeeming it through the Costco Same-Day Powered by Instacart site. To redeem, the gift card through the Instacart website or app, you will need to click to add a promo or gift card, and there you can enter the gift card number.

Once purchased, the gift cards should be sent to the email address you provided within the hour. You are able to add a gift message to your order if you are gifting the cards to the recipient.

Click here to get this offer from Costco Canada.